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A Way With Words: Nonprofit uses Letters to Reach Lonely Veterans

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Army spouse and mom Christina Etchberger was in the middle of her husband’s second deployment and no longer teaching middle school. As the virus and social distancing regulations impacted her community in Lawton, Oklahoma, she noticed many people needed help, including residents of Fort Sill Veterans Center, where she had previously volunteered with her students......

Veteran Pen Pal Project to Join in Operation Holiday Salute

The local military spouse who came up with the Veteran Pen Pal Project as a day-brightener for residents of the Lawton-Fort Sill Veterans Center has now teamed up with Veteran’s Last Patrol to serve as local representative for its second annual Operation Holiday Salute....

Looking for a pen pal during this pandemic (and beyond)? These veterans would love to hear from you.

The isolation that many people have experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented in modern times. And for many living alone, or in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, the separation has been especially devastating. Army wife Christie Etchberger of It’s a Military Life had isolated veterans in mind....

Project to Unite Veterans, Pen Pals

In the inspirational words of award-winning writer Maya Angelou, “be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” A local military spouse has conceived the perfect way to do just that. It’s called the Veteran Pen Pal Project, and it can be found on the website Christina Etchberger calls

Army Spouse’s Website Seeks Pen Pals for Veterans

Local military spouses are frequent contributors to the site’s main topic, which may be anything from entrepreneurship ideas to health and fitness, recipes and family activities for home and school. One frequent contributor, Liz McChesney, is the one who found and shared the Maya Angelou quote above....

VPPP Podcast Interviews
Veteran Pen Pal Project InterviewThe Homeschool Podcast Network
00:00 / 29:07
Veteran Pen Pal Project InterviewThe Army Wife Network
00:00 / 57:28
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